The refund will be made using the same payment system that was used during the transaction, and the refund amount will be equal to the price at the time the order was put. Only when the order is returned is a refund processed. We'll send you an email once we've received the item and processed your refund.


We make every effort to ensure that our goods are provided with the utmost care and in a timely manner. So, if you have any issues with the product after receiving it, please contact our customer service for a return or refund. You can contact us by email or simply stop by a store near you. When returning a product, you must show evidence of purchase, which is the order's despatching mail. We will proceed with the return or refund once we obtain the evidence.


We make every effort to ensure that you receive the correct items and that they are handled with the utmost care. However, if you receive the incorrect product, please contact our customer service department or visit a store near you. If you need a refund, return, or replacement, please contact our customer service department by phone or mail. Display the evidence of purchase as well. Ascertain that the items being returned are complete, unopened, and resalable in their original packaging, and that they are securely shipped. If you want to exchange an item, first search for availability in our store near you, then show the proof and you're good to go. Please keep in mind that if the items you returned to the store or to customer service are not in resalable condition, we reserve the right to deny a refund, return, or exchange.


The refund will be made using the same payment system that was used during the transaction, and the refund amount will be equal to the price at the time the order was put. Only when the order is returned is a refund processed. We'll send you an email once we've received the item and processed your refund.


If you want to return something, get a refund, or swap something, you'll need to provide evidence of purchase. Order dispatching mail will be sent to all online customers. If you need to return an item to one of our shops, please bring proof with you.